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making armor and weapon mods


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i was wondering on how i would go about creating armors from the game league of legends. Ashe's amethyst armor. I tried using a program called Blender but i couldnt figure out what i was doing.(never got past importing in the Nifs) so i was wondering if i could use the creation kit to make this armor.(dont even know how to use the creation kit either).
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the creation kit can't let you create an armor piece as it is not a 3d program, to make the armor you first have to model it in a 3d program such as blender or 3dsmax, it is a quite difficult process if you have never used it, it requires experience and some time.

after you have made the models of the armor in blender you have to texture it, it means that you have to paint the surface of the mesh with a program like photoshop or gimp (free tool).

as soon as you made the texture you have to rig and weight the armor, rigging and weighting processes are meant to give the armor a skeleton that can move with the character and animate it.

at this point, after building the nif files (_0 file and _1 file) you can use the creation kit to import the new models and textures into skyrim.


if you want to start modding i can suggest you to read the wiki nexus (creating an armor for skyrim article) and the various creation kit tutorials and blender or 3dsmax tutorials and forums.


if you need some more specific information always be sure to ask on the nexus forums or pm an experienced modder, that worked for me, i'm a noob and recently started to model my own models, it is an hard work but the results can only get better troug time.


ps sorry for my english.

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