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OBSE RemoveMeIR bug

Lord Valarian

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Scriptname ALVSMoveitemsFCRtoMGQS

ref pInvObj
ref pCont

 Begin OnActivate
  	MessageBox "Items Transferred"
  	;transfer main area items
   	foreach pInvObj <- FrostcragChestSoulGems1Ref
  			pInvObj.RemoveMeIR ALVWSanctuaryChest09Ref


This will transfer all the items from one chest to another. Do a quicksave and exit oblivion. Launch oblivion and load quicksave. All the items are gone from the transfer chest. How do I fix this?


A known bug in OBSE or Oblivion? It seems to be selective about which items will disappear. Explain this bizarre effect. ??


Unenchanted armor: yes

Unenchanted weapons: no

Enchanted armor: no

Unchanted rings and jewelry: no


Before quicksave, manually remove an item from the chest and put it back in. Items stay.

Edited by Lord Valarian
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There has to be some other cause, as it works fine for me. Maybe it's only for a specific armor piece for whatever reason?


No. If I move and sort armor, only the unenchanted will stay. All enchanted armor is gone. All weapons disappear. I'v managed to fix it with a short patch. I remember something mentioned about add/remove item bug. It's repeatable. Take away the extra code, poof, nothing is transferred.

Edited by Lord Valarian
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