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Lighting Limit


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As it says in the CK Wiki and as I'm sure many of you have unfortunately noticed, having too many lights near each other will cause them to turn on and off depending on where you stand and where you look. In a mod I am currently working on, I had several lighting sources in a central area. Some were lamps, some were braziers, and it looked pretty good, just the right amount of lighting. Unfortunately, due to this limitation, different lights would flicker on and off as I move around.


Does anyone know of a way to change this so that this does not happen? Is there something I can do with my mod, or a separate mod that is available that removes the issue? Or is it an engine limitation that we can't do anything about?


Thanks in advance for any responses, I'd appreciate any information or help on this. :thumbsup:

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Isn't that caused by having more than 4 Omni lights in a scene?


I've had this problem but I fixed it by deleting most lights, there are some FXs that you can use instead which don't emit light, you might want to try that

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Optimizing your area with roombounds may allow you to put in more lights since they will block lights from other rooms from rendering. Also you can add more lights that don't cast shadows. As Thynar mentions you could experiment with various special effects. I'm fond FXs that diffuse light in an area and create a nice atmosphere like FXmistlow01. Edited by Xenogeist
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Unfortunately any effect short of real lighting won't work in this situation. It is a large open area, so I'm not sure how much rooms would have since the player would have to be able to see the majority of the lights still.


They are not shadow-casting or omni lights either. They are normal lights (something like streetstreetlight I think), the same used in a lot of the towns for street lighting. :confused:

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