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Dawnguard animations dont work


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I just downloaded Dawnguard and noticed that most of the new animations dont work. For example anyone tries to take out a crossbow their character just goes into the "default stance" you know when your arms and legs are both spread out slightly, and no movement at all, people just start gliding on the floor. Sometimes however it does work, I tried switching back and forth between weapons and for a few seconds I saw the idle crossbow animation, but then I moved forward and back to the default stance. Also the crossbow seems to have a hard time deciding if it wants to be visible or not, sometimes when I pulled it out I could see it in my hands, other times I just saw a floating bolt in my hands.




Also a bit later during the first quest when you have to touch the pillar, the camera started to pan out to 3rd person but all I saw was my char go back to the default stance and then the camera couldn't seem to decide if it wanted to be in 1st or 3rd person. The last thing I noticed before I stopped playing was that the mysterious woman holding the elder scroll had an idle animation that also caused her to go to the default stance during our conversation.


Anyone have any fixes?

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I don't have a fix, but I have this problem as well. Also, I have several quest dialogues that are not correctly linking together as well, examples (and minor spoilers) below... Hopefully someone can come up with a fix for this soon, since it is getting gamebreaking (or at least main-quest breaking).


*******SPOILER ALERT*********

1.) When the vampire lord asks you to receive his gift, I didn't get the option to and instead was teleported outside.

2.) When I return to the leader of the Dawnguard, I don't have any new quests from him (even though my quostlog dialogue says I need to talk to him)

3.) After using a console command (setstage) to force the game to let me accept the vampire lord's gift, the follow up "quest" (the vampire lord tutorial) didn't load correctly, so I had to use another console command to make it load.



Really hoping someone with more modding know-how than me can come up with a workaround soon :)

Edited by Rapsynrev
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I am also experiencing the exact same issue as Manway, haven't figured out why this is occurring. Even verified/redownloaded the entirety of the dawnguard.bsa file to no avail. Also tried extracting the animations from the .bsa, same crap.


At first I wanted to say it had something to do with FNIS, but I know tons of people with FNIS that are not having these issues. Getting angry.

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Rapsynrev, I had the same problem as you with the VL not giving me the option, I reloaded before entering the castle and noticed I was already a vamp o_0, so I cured myself. Entered the castle and he gave the option. I think he won't give the option if you are already a vamp but you can become the VL later into the quest maybe?
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Head into the Data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors directory and rename/move mt_behavior.hkx. Serana is no longer acting like a flake and I can only guess that other animations are now working properly as well. Not sure what mod uses that file, but I'm sure I'll find out the hard way soon. Might be Puppeteer Master or something.

Edited by Eiries
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Head into the Data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors directory and rename/move mt_behavior.hkx. Serana is no longer acting like a flake and I can only guess that other animations are now working properly as well. Not sure what mod uses that file, but I'm sure I'll find out the hard way soon. Might be Puppeteer Master or something.



I dont have a behaviors folder :(


I've tried disabling mods but I am still getting this issue.

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bump :)



I am also having weird animation problems... even before Dawnguard.



I believe FNIS is to blame :( - Sometimes my char. acts like he is holding his weapon, but isn't, need to quick-save quick-load and he can finally properly draw the weapon. crossbows are weirdly buggy - right-click does weird things.... VERY buggy kill-cams with crossbow...


when mounting a horse, I look like a circus freak! I'm stood-up on it! :(

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