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Does a mod exist that makes Spell Absorption work like the in-game text implies?


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As title--I would like to download a mod that makes spell absorption work the way the in-game text descriptions make it sound like. In other words, the game says "Absorb 30% of the magicka of any spell that hits you," so I would like to use a mod that makes the effect ACTUALLY work that way... thus, instead of being a 30% chance to absorb 100% of the magicka of a spell that hits me, I would instead have a 100% chance to absorb 30% of the magicka of the spell that hits me.


This would be much more reliable and useful than a random coin-flip mechanic, and I would much prefer that the game work this way, but I couldn't find any mods on Nexus that did this. Does such a mod exist already? I tried keywords like "absorb" and "spell absorb" but nothing relevant came up.


Thanks in advance.

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