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i noticed a lot of mods which had npcs with a muslces 1000000000 times bigger then the normal player ones. now,i know theres alot of mods that add a buff suit but i need a "natural" muscle power but without some suit adding it. so i know this may look like much to ask but. could somone make steriods? a can which you can eat and pumps you up sould do that trick. as always,thanks in advance.
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So in short: A Muscle Suit? Like MGS4 Snake's suit?

Oh you mean't the normal muscle on the npcs and characters.


That means you have to edit the polygons on the body to give them a muscular look...


I'm not sure if you can do that to only 1 person, as all npc and player character take their body shape from a single source.


For example:

Other mods changes the entire body, and usually for a male or female version of the entire game.

This means modifying the male body with muscles will gives ALL npcs muscular bodies.

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Guest KillMeTwice
it isnt possible to change only one character if i know right but you culd make a scripted steroid bottle that adds a suit on you and when you drink from another bottle it would disappear or something
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it acutally is possible, but it requires the duplication of the _male folder along with all its files and a specification as to what race that leads to, so you would have to make a custom race or duplicate one and call its say, instead of orc, it would be "orc" in quotes, so your character would have the attributes and everything, but a different mesh.......im working on it for a mod that i work with, and were attempting to get the head meshes rigged up to facegen so they work....but that comes later :D
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