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Resident Evil 4 Robes, staff and race?


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I have no idea how to mod so I thought I'd make a suggestion. If you've played RE4, can anyone make the robes that the Verdugos wear? It should be the sort of way so that it doesn't lag on crappy computers (Like mine) and possibly the race itself, not exact, but similar. The robe in two versions, the black robe, and the red robe. My other suggestion is Osmund Saddler's robe and staff. And also, if possible, the Illuminados Pendant found in-game.


To see them, go on the resident evil wiki (Wikia) and type in the search bar for each:


Osmund Saddler


Illuminados Pendant


Oh and for the face of the Verdugo the mandibles are a must!!!

Well by I don't know, I mean modelling, UV mapping etc

Edited by Nathan1999
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