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Skyrim SE - Crashing

Guest deleted33056985

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Guest deleted33056985

So I have been playing with my newly modded setup and I am trying to leave Dustman's Carin for the Proving Honor quest, but each time I try to leave I get a CTD upon the loading screen immediately. I did face many random CTDs all throughout the dungeon, and now I just can't leave. Load Order & List will be attached. Any and all help is welcomed and appreciated! Thanks!

Edited by GabeTG
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Guest deleted33056985

Well now after updating both Skyrim and SKSE64 to latest, the whole game is now also running in warp speed at the main menu and in game. Deselected followers and DynDoLOD, same issue. Not really sure at this point...

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Guest deleted33056985

Well I got out finally. I went through all the possible mods until it crashed... but here is the odd thing, it didn't crash and nothing changed except for MFG fix and Wearable Lanterns and now I am using MLU. Now it randomly crashed when heading SW of Solitude, not sure if it was just a random CTD or what.

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