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Mob Difficulty Level


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I have been a heavy user of Mods for the past several months with no issues, playing the game on Master level most of the time. However, since downloading Dawnguard, I rolled a new toon and the early dungeons, below level 10, are populated with Bandit Outlaws and Thugs? I am having to adjust the difficulty to Novice just to make it through a dungeon I would normally clear in minutes. I have reinstalled the game and reloaded the following Mods:


Duel Combat Realism

Enhanced High Level Game Play

Deadly Dragons

Be A Better Mage


These are the Mods I would think would have something coded to effect the level of mobs in the game? I have uninstalled them and restarted the game to no effect.


Any thoughts as to some code or something I can reset to lower the mob level to what it should naturally be?





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