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Esp to Esm Conversion HUGE FUBAR

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I tried to edit an esp to a esm with Fnvedit

it did not exactly take

so i did it on Fomm Tes snip also




the Geck keeps trying to load a data file that requires all the DLC

but the file has been deleted


there is this Bethesda Plugin Data File (.esp) DEFAULT that will not go away


I got the feeling im gonna have to reinstall windows to mod with the geck ever again

Edited by SteamGamer1999
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I am not fully understanding the extent of your dilemma here. Without further information, here is some advice:


-Always make a backup of an .esp/.esm your are going to attempt to edit. Always.


-The Geck will naturally select plugins/masters that are official DLCs and such. You should be able to unselect them if they have a check mark next to them. You should also unselect them before you open your plugin/master in the geck if you do not want your mod to be dependant on them.


-If you plugin/master has "dependant" files associated with them, that is usually because some aspect of your mod has used an assest from another plugin/master (see above). Tricky dependencies like scripts, form lists, recipes, ect can be hard to spot once they are intergrated.


-Sometimes it helps to open your mod in FNVedit, check for errors, and manually go through all the catagories/tiers and check for nonconforming id's and such.


-Converting a plugin to a master should be relatively simple and straight forward. If the change did not take, there may be a more serious underlaying problem with said edited plugin.


-You probably already have this, but the fnvedit manual is quite extensive at covering various aspects of fnvedit operation.


I hope you are able to correct this error you are having-Peace!

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