Grungydan Posted August 5, 2012 Share Posted August 5, 2012 Terse description of issue: Have been running Unofficial Skyrim Patch for a day now with no issues. Installed Ultimate Follower Overhaul manually today, followed instructions to the letter. Game loading via SKSE launcher. Game loads, receive notification that UFO horse options are started and good. Hire Lydia (or anyone else), talk to Lydia, receive only vanilla dialog options. No "You know..." for UFO options. Disable Unofficial Skyrim Patch. Start game via SKSE launcher (also confirmed with vanilla launcher and NMM launch). Now receive the "You know..." dialog. Re-enable USP to confirm: confirmed, no "You know..." option. Current Mod List/Load Order Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmLanterns of Skyrim - All in One - Main.esm staticmeshimprovementmod.esparrowsmith.espbirds.espdd - enhanced blood main.espdragonsoulstoperks.espdungeonquestawareness.espenhanceddistantterrain.esphdplants+herbs.esphq_skyrimmap.espinvulnerableuniquehorses.esplush trees.espmoredragonloot.espnew guards.espoblivious horses.espsign.espValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.espskyui.esplightweight potions and poisons.espall roads.espbleedeffects.espdisablelydiatradedialog.espdynamicmerchants.espfaster vanilla horses.esplush grass and trees.espdetailed outskirts.espdetailed cities.espdd - realistic ragdoll forces - realistic.espGabby Companion.esp reduced distance npc greetings.esp[mpx]raceheights.esppurewaters.espbarnziahquestmarkers.espminemapmarkers.espsmakit_house_markers.espitem sorting with weightless items.espclear map addon.espbetterfemalesbybella.espbetterfemalesbybellamakeup1.espbetterfemalesbybellanoshine.esprcmShaders.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Anyone have any ideas, or are these known to be generally incompatible? I did several searches limited to the official threads for each mod and got nothing useful. A more general search on the forums resulted in nothing useful, as did general google searching. Thanks for any ideas and comments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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