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More Human Vampire Lord Skin


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I really dislike the model and forced third person of current vampire lord.


I don't mind the transformation time delday, and I understand losing my ability to use weapons and inventory while in the form. I'd just like the form to be more humanoid, maybe keeping your original character face and body size, but your hands turn into distinguishable vampire claws (or power orbs depending the stance), and the demonic wings could stay as long as they are fit to scale... oh and the slight levetation (in magicka mode) is fine too... if the wings and claws (maybe visible fangs) could just grow out of your normal body...




I think keeping your original body size scale would help from getting stuck in doorways as well... and like I mentioned, most of all, it would be nice to not be forced into third person.. :biggrin:

Edited by rurounirealm
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I wanted to point out it would be double kudos to see the non-human race vamps retain their natural body with added vampire wings and claws.


Not my art, but public on google to give an example more humanish vampire lord.





Edited by rurounirealm
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Yeah, I'm basically waiting on something like this before I start my female vampire lord. The vanilla female vampire lord just has nothing going for it in my eyes. It neither looks badass, nor does it look attractive. It really just looks ridiculous.
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Yeah, I'm basically waiting on something like this before I start my female vampire lord. The vanilla female vampire lord just has nothing going for it in my eyes. It neither looks badass, nor does it look attractive. It really just looks ridiculous.


I didn't understand why the vampire lord had to be a glorified copy paste of werewolf. It's just so clunky, and like you said, looks silly.

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