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Still having issues since the upgrade


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I've reverted back to 1.5.62 because I'm still having issues with Skyrim SE crashing after the load start (before logo). I have:


Updated the Skyrim.exe

Updated SKSE to 2.0.15

Updated USSEP to 4.17

Updated RaceMenu to 0-3-4

Reinstalled XPMSE

Just added the SSE Engine Fixes update 4.2

Cleaned the DLC's in SSEEdit

Run LOOT (No errors/warnings/dirty mods)

Run Wrye Bash


Validated STEAM files


What am I missing? I figured I would try it one more time today after the SSE Engine Fixes update, but I'm still getting nothing but a CTD. The older versions of everything works, so I'm at a loss. I've even pushed STEAM into OFFLINE mode because they can't seem to resist forcing you into an update, even if you have selected otherwise. What am I missing?


I'm not very good (as in at all) in finding which mods are causing my conflicts, because I'm not really familiar with the tools available to help. Do I need to be updating my ENB or ENBseries?


Any help is appreciated.

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Sometimes I forget things after my stroke, so thank you very much. I have long term memory issues now and haven't done that in years, so I occasionally need to be nudged in the right direction. Sucks having to be reminded you already know how to do something, but you play the hand your dealt. I guess those are things I need to update, so hopefully that will at least point me in the right direction. Again, thank you for responding.

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