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Strange water/stutter/sound bug.


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Hello folks,


Since I started playing this game when it came out I've been cursed with this bug, I don't know how to exactly describe it. But I'll give it a shot.


The bug occurs in a clean install with no mods, and also in my current install with several mods.


What happens is, whenever I'm in an instance with water, be it a puddle or the sea, or a river - my character, mostly my horse randomly gets lifted a couple feet of the ground. When this happens I hear splashing sound effects and sometimes brief underwater sound effects (there's also always a stuttering sound like a very fast "from underwater -> to surface sound effect). This happens even on the highest of mountains. The only exception being inside an instance like for example breezehome, or any other small secluded place with no floating water.


The bug also comes with its graphical errors if I'm in the vicinity of water, the surface will square out and look very blocky.


I'll try to get a ss of it. In the meantime, any ideas?



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