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dawnguar arcwind point quest bugged


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found this at uespwiki about the quest ' Dragon Encounter and Unclearable


I moved the following from the article --Alfwyn 19:11, 10 January 2012 (UTC):


Arcwind Point cannot be cleared but can be cleared on PC via the use of console commands and the help function, to properly ascertain the location id for this zone yourself you would type into your console "help arcwind 0" and then use that location code listed from the command under "LCTN" in the command "setlocationcleared (LCTN)"

The particular code for clearing Arcwind point is "setlocationcleared 000fd685 1"


Confirmed from game data that it cannot be cleared: it does not have a boss. --NepheleTalk 03:42, 18 March 2012 (UTC)


I really have no clue what that means from uespwiki


I did the help arcwindpoint 0 and this came up, see pic below






I managed to set arcwindpoint as being cleared on the map, but it's still in my misc menu and Arngeir wont give me anymore dragon word walls!..


update 2


This was how many shouts I found with Arngeir help see pic below, hopefully arcwindpoint was his finally word wall help quest, well look to the companion's for more location's and hope the courier gives me more locations



Edited by sinnerman69
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