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I am at a loss. (Simple mod not working)


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I spent an hour or more clearing trash and rearranging objects with the creation kit, so that I could better use an area that a mod I acquired previously turns into a settlement. Nuka World Settlements - Nuka Park Settlements Plus https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23895


The area I worked on is the Nuka World Transit Center. My problem is, despite it simply being an asset clean and rearrangement, esp only mod. It does not affect things in game, there is no sign of my alterations at all that I could find.


Obviously, I made sure that it is checked in the mod manager. And I have tried it both above and below the aforementioned mod in the load order. Is the Transit Center just an exceptionally stubborn area to make accept mods or have I missed something obvious or not?

Edited by Gwevare
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