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Hood armor request


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So.. I was looking at some mods the other day and I saw a modder who had made some WoW weapons for skyrim, which got me thinking of when I used to play the game and used this stormrage hood. I really wanted this style of hood in the game, and thought it could actually be kinda cool for my character. I'm already sporting the Fur hood HD mod, which I'm happy with, but would it be possible for anyone to make a Fur Hood with antlers? Either the male Elk style Antlers or the small antlers which is, if I remember correctly, present on the female ancient nord helmet? Depending on which looks better.


If anyone is able to make a Male elk like shield, I'd also be interested in hearing from you.


I hope there's someone interested in helping with this somewhat strange request, It'd be really appreciated.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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