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Let the Adoring fan live or die?


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keep him alive til you run out of amusing ways to kill him. Tyreil is right, making him fly can be really entertaining. I was in an Ayleid Ruin, let the swinging ball hit him and knock him flying off the 'bridge" into space. It was a while before he recovered consciousness. he's also "accidentally" been nudged into a bottomless gorge(Hoarfrost Castle Mod has one in it, not really bottomless, but enough to kill anyone who falls into it). There's also a mod that keeps him from respawning. Adoring Fan respawn Disabler. It's bashed patch mergeable.




forgive me for the size, I know next to nothing about images and pics.

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Don't kill him! If you do, people will begin to notice and if you ask someone about rumors, you might hear mention of your misdeeds. Unless you are not troubled by foul rumors spreading about your character, then you should let him live. If you must kill him, make sure that it is in a way that doesn't leave blood on your hands.
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