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Mod Request - Refiner Power from Ion Batteries


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If possible, add ion batteries and maybe advanced ion batteries as a better fuel source for fueling portable refiners and miners. Ion batteries are more logical than carbon as a power supply to portable refiners, and I often run out of carbon, which is better used for other things like construction. Both ion batteries and carbon could be options on the refuel panel list if it is possible to add batteries to the list.


If a list option is difficult or impossible to implement, perhaps a workaround like having a coded conversion of ion batteries to 250-500 carbons when the ion battery is placed in the fuel chamber or at least convered itself by the refiner when a battery is input as an ingredient. Advanced Ion batteries would last a very long time or produce 500-1000 carbons, and regular ion batteries would last for longer than condensed carbon.


I often have a useless surplus of ion batteries that consume an inventory slot, and selling them for 2000 units is hardly worth it. Any condensed carbon that I have saved is quickly lost in refiners directly or converted to normal carbon. No Man's Sky would be better if ion batteries would power portable devices, not only refiners but also automatic refiners. Otherwise, maybe we can try pencil graphite rods to power our mobile tablets instead of USB chargers!


Also, as a related feature or separate mod, when retrieving a portable refiner with condensed carbon fuel in it, it would be better to return condensed carbon as condensed. I find that using condensed carbon as a fuel is currently frustrating because No Man's Sky returns it as many regular carbons, thereby often overflowing my inventory slots. I will also put this final idea on the Forums as a separate mod request, but please consider implementing the first idea at least. Maybe both or all refiner mods could be integrated into one mod.

Edited by everywomans
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