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  • 2 weeks later...

you couldve played it by now yourself


the reason I am asking cause my computer freezes up on certain missions and I have to constantly restart the game and I have the barest minimum of mods installed mostly companion mods but not that many and the cheat terminal a some sim settlement mods as well but nothing too game breaking either

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can use Skk's mod to unlock settlements. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31625


And my Save game here. It is 100% of main quest only. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38087


Might not be exactly what you want. There are other save files here on Nexus. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/categories/32/


be sure to read any mod requirements as most of them use a huge mod list and will cause you problems if you don't use those mods.


Mine is unmodded so disable your mods first and reintroduce them a few at a time.

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you couldve played it by now yourself


Hey whats up you big baby. Did your feelings get hurt cause someone called you out for a prick response to someone else. Don't forget to get my Better Stores (Already have multiple copies of everything I want anyhow) post deleted since your butt hole got hurt. Maybe if you weren't such a prick to someone asking for help nothing would've been said. You can dish it out but you cant take it. WHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Formal warning issued - TVD.

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you couldve played it by now yourself


Hey whats up you big baby. Did your feelings get hurt cause someone called you out for a prick response to someone else. Don't forget to get my Better Stores (Already have multiple copies of everything I want anyhow) post deleted since your butt hole got hurt. Maybe if you weren't such a prick to someone asking for help nothing would've been said. You can dish it out but you cant take it. WHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Damn bro he reported you wow what snitch smdh

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