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Dawnguard Vampire appearance


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I was quite fond of how vampires looked at dawnguard, small changes when I first got it, and the face got dirtier and more sick-like as I progressed.

I was quite dissapointed when i found out that you don't revert back to looking human-like when you feed. I was just wondering, is there a mod that will make me revert when I feed, or is there at least one that makes my face look how it was when I first transformed?

Thanks a bunch.

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Personally - I didn't like how it changed your entire appearance. I didn't mind the eyes change, because they looked cool and spooky.


I can't see there being such a mod as of yet - Besides that. I was a victim of doors not opening when you hit the levers. VERY frustrating.

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As of right now there are no mods the effectively changes your face back to when you were normal.

There are many mods "claiming" to fix the vamp face morph in dawnguard but iv yet to see one that actually works for vampire lord's which is a different race from regular vampires.

Edited by gagoloth
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