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Add New Bolts (I have the quiver meshes, based arrow quiver)


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for everyone who can make standalone texture, I've created the meshes for new bolts. The quiver meshes is based of arrow quiver. I need someone who can make standalone retexture for my meshes, make the bolts texture similar with the quiver (the quiver is don't need to retexture because the quiver is based of arrow quiver texture)

the bolts texture is based of bolt.dds

I'm only little understand with CK and I'm not expert with texture


You can open this link.

inside the .rar is the meshes and default arrow textures.



I don't want add Ancient Nord, Falmer, Forsworn, because I think they don't have a knowledge to create bolts (and crossbow too), except there are lot of request to create the bolts. :)

Although Falmer is always with Dwarven, I think Falmer at 4E prefer to weapons with more easy to create


my meshes list:

- Bolt + Iron Quiver

- Bolt + Orcish Quiver

- Bolt + Nord Hero Quiver

- Bolt + Dwarven Quiver

- Bolt + Glass Quiver

- Bolt + Elven Quiver

- Bolt + Ebony Quiver

- Bolt + Daedric Quiver

(I try asking permission to use quiver mesh of Dragonbone Weapons Complete by ktacreations) - Bolt + Dragonbone Quiver


I use dwarvenbolt.nif for example of every my meshes












add new bolts, the bolts is Silver Bolts, use bolt.nif (Steel Bolts), and please change the texture (make the tip is silver-look)



I have a request for damage, please change the damage for Steel Bolts. And I have the ingredients list (similar with arrows ingredients):

Iron Bolts - 8 [need 1 Firewood, 1 Iron Ingot]

Steel Bolts - 10 [changed damage, default ingredients]

(optional) Silver Bolts - 10 (same texture with Steel Bolts, only different texture at the tip (silver-look), more damage to undead, don't have a explosive bolts version) [need 1 Firewood, 1 Silver Ingot]

Orcish Bolts - 12 [need 1 Firewood, 1 Orichalcum Ingot]

Nord Hero Bolts - 13 [need 1 Firewood, 1 Steel Ingot, 1 Orichalcum Ingot]

Dwarven Bolts - 14 [default damage, default ingredients]

Elven Bolts - 16 [need 1 Firewood, 1 Refined Moonstone]

Glass Bolts - 18 [need 1 Refined Malachite, 1 Refined Moonstone]

Ebony Bolts - 22 [need 1 Firewood, 1 Ebony Ingot]

Daedric Bolts - 24 [need 1 Firewood, 1 Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart]


(don't create this because I try to asking the permission] Dragonbone Bolts - 26 [need 1 Firewood, 1 Dragon bone]




I create this meshes because if someone will create a crossbow mod, the will not to create new meshes again for bolts (so only have 1 work, just create new crossbow)

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