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Quest don't advance...


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So I've had problems with a quest called "A message to whiterun" and it was ulfric not giving me the orders I needed at the end. Then I tried to load to an earlier save and it was the quest to defeat Alduin which didn't advance either.

I've figured that I cannot receive new quest or objectives. Now this is going to sound silly but my game is heavily modded, and I tried to remove all the mods except one because it made my game crash when I removed it (Deadly Dragons).

The game still doesn't advance quests so it might be the one mod Deadly Dragons that's screwing the game or perhaps it's damage from a previous mod that is permanent.

Anyway I am about to make a clean install and new .ini files to see if I can mend the game crashing with the lack of this mod, however I cannot advance quests... No idea why and it makes me not want to play anymore...

so please help!

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