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Resurrecting actors and let them keep their equipment?


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Is there a reliable way to resurrect actors that also lets them keep their equipment? Whenever I use the console command "resurrect 1" all it does is revive them and give them default equipment. Is there another command or Mod that does this?
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Target them once in the console menu and type "Resurrect" and it will bring them back from the grave as they were before the fight started. (add a one after resurrect, and they will just stand up alive, their items won't respawn, so if you take all the gear, weapons off a character, then [resurrect 1] they will stand up naked. Useful for giving characters gear they wouldn't have normally. BE WARNED: If you resurrect a companion, all of the extra items and equipment you have given them will be removed. They will default to their original equipment. (Typing resurrect 1 will resurrect them as they are, with equipment and items intact.)
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