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A fEw Questions


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Unfortunately, the geck wiki site is down for me right now, so some of these questions probably could have been answered using that.

1. Does a disabled NPC cause the same performance drain as an active one? If not, around how much less?

2. Let's say I have a disabled mole rat, who is activated by a timer. Could I activate him, then have him activated again X number of seconds after he is killed? Or would it be better to do a 'placeatme' kind of thing where I want them to spawn?

3. I forgot how to place triggers. Could someone give me a quick reminder?

4. Instead of always using an active file when adding to a mod, I would rather make a plugin file, and then combine the two. How do I do this?

5. In the arena mod I'm trying to make, what would you recommend as a good stealth:shooting:survival ratio? Like, stealth would be the tactical kind of fighting, with traps and silencers, shooting would be, well, facing the enemy head on, and survival would be crafting and loading up between rounds.


Thanks for the help/input.

Edited by LucidDreaming
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