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Software for editing skeleton (skeleton.nif) file


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What is the best software for editing skeloton files?


1) Currently I tryied Autodesk 3ds Max x64 with 'Niftools 3ds Max Plugins 3.7.3.fd27a94 installed and without success


Looks like file format is changed on export - see file headers:


a) Orginal File:

Gamebryo File Format, Version

BSFadeNode BSBoneLODExtraData BSBound BSXFlags NiIntegerExtraData NiNode NiStringExtraData bhkCapsuleShape bhkRigidBody

bhkBlendCollisionObject bhkRagdollConstraint bhkLimitedHingeConstraint NiFloatExtraData NiFloatExtraDataController NiVisController NiBoolInterpolator

NiBoolData NiFloatInterpolator NiFloatData BSLagBoneController NiBooleanExtraData bhkSimpleShapePhantom bhkSPCollisionObject


b) Export result:

Gamebryo File Format, Version

'Niftools 3ds Max Plugins 3.7.3.fd27a94

BSFadeNode BSBound BSXFlags NiNode bhkBlendController NiTransformController bhkCapsuleShape bhkRigidBody bhkCollisionObject


And exported file crashies Skyrim at loading..


2) Also I tried NifSkope 1.1.0, but as I understand there is a limited posibility to change body proportions e.g. I would like to change NPC Spine to wider size

but there is only one parameter Scale.

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Afaik, 3ds max is the only 3d software that has a plugin to export nifs atm.

The alternative option is to use an older version of Blender, which does have nif support. Downside to this is that i cant tell your for sure if this actually works. I´ve heard about people using this older setup succesfully, but i dont know how they do it :unsure:


This page displays pretty much everything you need for the blender 2.49 setup, and you´ll probably also notice the "Skyrim unsupported" warning. Like i said, some people seem to use it for skyrim just fine...


There's probably some things im missing here, but i help the things i did get can help you out :)

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