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Solution for Dawnguard errors caused by mods


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Alright so here are a list of what I and many others have experienced.




-First off the crossbow is not a sword and should behave as such.

-Lighting breakdown when entering dawnguard area

-Quest objectives being ignored and vital characters appearing out of place.

-Unanimated Gargolyes

-Neverending vampire tutorial

-Dawnguard quest Unstartable.

-Animations fail to play

-Player Controls malfunction



I'm sure there are more but you get the idea.






Feel free to ask questions if you need help.


To fix this:


Step 1:

Back up your entire skyrim folder (Data Folder, settings and all) in a safe place.

You may want to back up save files as well and delete the old ones C:\Users\YOUUSERNAME\Documents\my games\Skyrim\Saves


Step 2:

Clear you skyrim cache (uninstall with steam open Steam skyrim>Properties>Local Files> Delete Local Game Content)

After that delete all the remaining files in the original skyrim directory.


Step 3:

Start the download of the fresh Skyrim files, then pause it and copy all the main esm and bsa files from the backup (Not including the mods ) into the new directory for skyrim. (Danwguard.bsa, Update.bsa, Skyrim.bsa and the esm files)


Step 4 :

Once you have copied the files into the new skyrim directory you essentially don't have to redownload anything. Just click properties on Skyrim from steam as in step 2. open steam skyrim>properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of game cache.

Steam will now "download" in a matter of seconds.


Step 5: All clean! copy your prefered save file from C:\Users\YOUUSERNAME\Documents\my games\Skyrim\Saves

(Note: if your save file is completely dependent on certain mods this may crash the game. One way to fix this is trial and error with load order. A better way is to cut you loses and load an earlier save if possible that is not dependent )




If you are recieving a fatal error that has something to do with "Error: OnInIt() String cannot be validated" or something like that. This can mean that the load order needs to be adjusted. Dawnguard needs to be first.


DO NOT ENABLE ALL MODS RIGHT AWAY. This will serve only o put you back to a broken version of dawnguard. Play the game for awhile, make sure the game is stable before adding new mods.


I suggest enabling mods no more than 3 at a time so you can figure out which ones are causing the mods problems and then report it to the author.


If the mod changes any meshes in the game it will more than likely cause some sort of problem with dawnguard until the authors have a chance to patch them. Only enable mods that change meshes, textures or scripts one at a time.


Good Luck and I hope this helps, I know this pissed me off.

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