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Skyrim CTD on load game?


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When I try to load any of my saved games I CTD, but I have no idea why this is happening. I've uninstalled all mods added before I started getting this error, I've checked my local game integrity, and I've made sure that both my game and NMM is up to date. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Try to start a new game. If you get an error message, post it here. If you get another crash without error message, put that here. I have a feeling that this is the plugins.txt file problem. On my phone now, but ill like the thread when I get home.
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I put tuppence worth on uninstalling a mod which previously installed scripts - Skyrim goes bananas when you uninstall scripts, but that's to do with saved games that previously used them, so might not be the case if you can't even get to menu screen....


Since you say it CTD on loading save I up my stake of tuppence to threpence - I reckon you uninstalled a mod recently which installed some scripted activity, and unfortunately Skyrim doth not deal with that well - I would try reinstalling whatever you uninstalled recently, then uninstall 1 by 1 until you find the mod that broke you - once you find it, you sadly will need to uninstall manually by getting rid of the files apart from any scripts - without the ESP/ESM they should be harmless and your game should work again just dandy.

Edited by turbosnowy
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Had same problem. Downloaded a bunch of modes with NMM in the evening. And was getting these [WETriggerScript<(01099883)>] WARNING: OnInit() myHoldLocation[...] errors next day.


It seems NMM started to mess a bit after recent update.. Plugins.txt file for some reason contained 2 skyrim.esm entries: skyrim.esm and Skyrim.esm. Deleting the first one, solved me the problem.



P.S. Удачи.

P.P.S. plugins.txt is located at "users/"yourusername"/appdata/local/skyrim/".



Thanks to MaxQuest. This solution worked for me. I suggest trying it before attempting other fixes.



I am Necro-Bumping this thread because this same issue just happened to me two days ago.


This was the solution


see if this is the problem, otherwise its probably the script thing ^. If you have no mods active, it's probably one or the other.

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One reason why you can get CTD on load game after "uninstalling" animation mods based on FNIS: you have to run the FNIS generator to close some open "gaps".


If you unistall FNIS as well, make sure that meshes/actors/character/behaviors/0_master.hkx is removed.

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  • 4 months later...

Well... after several months of playing other games, my Skyrim refuses to play, i go to load my old file, of which i remember playing just fine before my hiatus, and now for no reason at all, it just refuses to play, i have Hearthfire, so i figured maybe an update broke it, so i downloaded the "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch" that didn't fix it either...


as it is now, i no longer have Skyrim. It was a gift to me on my birthday, i bought both DLC's, and now it has been taken away from me, i've done everything i can think of, and read of to do, but it is as if the game just simply refuses to run for me... i even re installed it.


If only one of you were here to see it for yourself, these files are nearly Vanilla, and it acts like i had a crew of chimpanzees create the game. I only have 10 mods, the DLC's and their UP's and the Skyrim UP, High Rez Textures, CBBE, a couple of weapons and armor mods, and WarZones. Warzones i just added, so i did the disable and try again, but did not work, i would like to know if the game just up and went on strike for anyone else, and if so, how did you get it back, if you did.

Edited by Bartholome13F
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You could try deleting your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini(located near your save game files), reinstalling skyrim completely without adding any mods, and start a new game to see if it works.


Also when you reinstall your game, be sure to back up your game files before installing anymore mods. This way reinstalling will be quick and easy next time you need to try it.

Edited by LaKitty
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You could try deleting your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini(located near your save game files), reinstalling skyrim completely without adding any mods, and start a new game to see if it works.


Also when you reinstall your game, be sure to back up your game files before installing anymore mods. This way reinstalling will be quick and easy next time you need to try it.



that has already been done.

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