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Creation Kit: using resources from another esp


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I'm trying to create a follower mod where the follower's default armor is an armor added from another esp.

The problem is, if I load my custom follower mod as active and tick the armor mod as a resource, it won't work in game

So I converted the armor mod to an .esm. The problem is my followers also use Apachii hair, and therefore Apachii.esm; and the creation kit only allows me to use one master file.

What can I do?

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  • 2 months later...
Ok, first off I am no expert on the CK. To upload more than one master file just add bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 under [General] in SkyrimEditor.ini in your /Skyrim folder. As for the armor from another ESP, I suppose you could make it an ESM and do it that way. The best way to do that would be Wyre Smash, but I would get an opinion on that from someone who knows more about mods than me.
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