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Need Script Help: How to discount crime gold?

Guest Messenjah

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Guest Messenjah

Woohoo! It is actually storing the value and updating it now! However, when I call on the PayGold() function, it doesn't seem to remove any gold from my inventory. Although the guards don't seem to attack me and the people I stole from appear to still be after me. :P


Any way to fix that function?

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Maybe there's something wrong with the parameters i suggested in the RemoveItem, try using "ASXDiscount as int".


As for the check, there's a condition "Can pay crime gold", but actually you need half of it, so you must find a dynamic condition that will lead to a negative answer by the NPC (or not show the pay option at all, your choice)


EDIT: Maybe i've found a solution (don't have the CK now, just looking the Wiki).


Put on the dialogue a condition "GetGold", run it on TARGET.


Now check the "Use Global" in the comparison field. You'll now have access to your globals, select ASXDiscount.


The only thing i'm afraid about is: the gold count is a Int, while the Global is a Float. Will this always return false?

Edited by gasti89
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Guest Messenjah
I'll take a look at it in a bit. As for my tests... the gold it requires is like 12 coins lol. I have well over 17000 gold right now. I'm using a level 43 character and I almost never buy anything in-game.
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Guest Messenjah
Put on the dialogue a condition "GetGold", run it on TARGET.


Now check the "Use Global" in the comparison field. You'll now have access to your globals, select ASXDiscount.


Didn't work. It will check the value of the global but not if the player has the same value as the global. Wouldn't you need to use PLAYER instead of using TARGET?


The main problem I'm worried about is how to get the script to pull gold from the player's inventory. I have plenty of gold for it to pull gold out of and yet it won't remove a single coin. :P

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In that case target is the player so both will do the same i think.


About the gold removal function, what about this:


Function PayGold()

Int GoldAmount = ASXDiscount as Int

       Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold, GoldAmount)



EDIT: Btw, i don't know why it doesn't make a check for Gold matching the Global. Have you set the comparison to ">="?


Cause if you set it to "==" it will work only if you have exactly the same amount of gold of the Global.

Edited by gasti89
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Guys, I think I know what the problem is. The "Gold" property should not be made "conditional" it doesn't make sense to do so.

I'm also very suspicious that the "Gold" property is not being filled correctly. Try renaming "Gold" to "Gold001" and auto-filling the properties again.

Also, why is it necessary to use the global variable "ASXDiscount"? It's just complicating the matter unnecessarily. Why not simply make "Discount" a conditional property and use that instead. I've tidied up the script somewhat. Before using this script, **remove the previous conditional function** that you were trying, as it shouldn't be necessary.



Scriptname ASX_BrothelDialogueQuest extends Quest  Conditional 

Int Property RaajahFriend Auto  Conditional 
Int Property ContractRunning Auto  Conditional  
Int Property FavorPoints Auto  Conditional 
Int Property SuraniGreet  Auto  Conditional 
Int Property AcceptJob  Auto  Conditional 

Int Property Discount auto conditional; trade gold in whole numbers

Quest Property BrothelQuest  Auto
Faction Property ReachCrimeGold  Auto
MiscObject Property Gold001  Auto
{I renamed "gold" so it will auto-fill. THE PROPERTY SHOULD *NOT* BE CONDITIONAL - steve40}

Function UpdateGold() 
{Updates Discount to discounted value. Used during initial dialogue}
Discount = Math.Floor(ReachCrimeGold.GetCrimeGold() / 2) ; make sure it is an int

Function PayGold() 
{Function used to remove correct ammount of gold from player inventory and removes crime gold from the correct faction} 
Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold001, Discount) 



If you REALLY need the "ASXDiscount" global, then try this:




Scriptname ASX_BrothelDialogueQuest extends Quest  Conditional 

Int Property RaajahFriend Auto  Conditional 
Int Property ContractRunning Auto  Conditional  
Int Property FavorPoints Auto  Conditional 
Int Property SuraniGreet  Auto  Conditional 
Int Property AcceptJob  Auto  Conditional 
GlobalVariable Property ASXDiscount  Auto  Conditional 

Int Property Discount auto conditional; trade gold in whole numbers

Quest Property BrothelQuest  Auto
Faction Property ReachCrimeGold  Auto
MiscObject Property Gold001  Auto
{I renamed "gold" so it will auto-fill. THE PROPERTY SHOULD *NOT* BE CONDITIONAL - steve40}

Function UpdateGold() 
{Updates ASXDiscount to discounted value. Used during initial dialogue}
Discount = Math.Floor(ReachCrimeGold.GetCrimeGold() / 2) ; make sure it is an int
ASXDiscount.SetValue(Discount as float) ; ASXDiscount global variable is a float

Function PayGold() 
{Function used to remove correct ammount of gold from player inventory and removes crime gold from the correct faction} 
Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold001, Discount) 



Edit: these lines of code appear to be redundant at this time:


Int Property RaajahFriend Auto  Conditional 
Int Property ContractRunning Auto  Conditional  
Int Property FavorPoints Auto  Conditional 
Int Property SuraniGreet  Auto  Conditional 
Int Property AcceptJob  Auto  Conditional
Quest Property BrothelQuest  Auto

Edited by steve40
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EDIT: Btw, i don't know why it doesn't make a check for Gold matching the Global. Have you set the comparison to ">="?


Cause if you set it to "==" it will work only if you have exactly the same amount of gold of the Global.


Possibly because he has made the Gold MiscObject as a conditional property and he might actually be comparing the Gold *REFERENCE* against the discount, rather than checking the gold VALUE/QUANTITY?? :tongue:


Edit: the RemoveItem call on the gold *SHOULD* work no matter how you do it. If it isn't working then either the gold property isn't filling correctly, or the mod is broken. @messenjah: if you STILL can't get the script to work, try removing the script, save the mod, restart CK, reload the mod, add the script back, fill the properties again, save the mod then test it again.

Edited by steve40
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