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Are people able to open the Dawnguard ESM?


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Ok... well, many different posts said to add different things, like adding a line to enable multiple master loads, but funnily enough, I got the master loads error on my mom's laptop and not on my desktop. On this clean installation of Skyrim, the only line that has Dawnguard is this:




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I'll see if a clean install fixes it. I've had Skyrim installed since launch, so maybe there's something missing that updating it hasn't added.


Thanks for the help. I'll post back with the results.

Edited by InBleedingRapture
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Thanks for the offer. I might take you up on it if a clean install doesn't fix the problem.


I think it might actually be a problem with the Update.esm file. I've read that some mods have trouble with this file, as well.


Now, if I'd been using my brain, I would've tried deleting the old one and updating my game. Alas, it didn't occur to me until after I'd uninstalled Skyrim. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ermm.gif So I'm now facing a 10 GB download...

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Not that I know of, unfortunately. After you download a game, you can choose to make a back up archive of it if you want to reinstall later. I'll probably take advantage of this feature this time around. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif
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