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Please make Draugr's anything else that's less creepy :(


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If you're feeling incredible kind today, I would love you forever if you made me any kind of skin for the draugrs in the game. I love this game, but it's practically unplayable for me due to the creepy skeletons that pop out all the freaking time. I stopped playing in hopes that someone would make a mod for them....yeah, people are only making them MORE creepy :(


Can someone please help a girl out?


Honestly, it could be the fastest mod ever- it can be pink bunnies or blobs if need be. I've seen lots of other requests for this, so I think there's actually a group of people out there you'd be helping. And hey, just think of how much everyone loves the secret pony land in Diablo- killing cute evil things is fun :D


Thanks for reading, and if you decide to help, Thank you thank you thank you!!!

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:ohdear: think that would be even scarier

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LOL!! I can't believe I never saw that! That's hilarious. Thank you SO much for posting that link. You have no idea how excited I am. I feel like a little kid again...I can't wait to get off work and go play lol :D
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