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Dawnguard issue


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Hi everyone. I got Dawnguard, and I'm having a unique issue. I'm curious if anyone else is having this, and if there are any ideas. What's happening is I will choose to take the blood, and become a Vampire Lord, and then after Hakon's tutorial, when I switch back to normal form, I'm not being recognised as a vampire. I try to go and start Hakon's first quest, and the vampire says to me "mortals are not allowed to wander these halls, even you. Have Lord Hakon correct the situation."
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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately this is not working for me because I am using a custom race: Varsicari



At this time I'm waiting on the mod expert, who created the race, to get DG so he can adjust the race for vampires. One thing I did notice though was after installing Better Vampires:


(which has the ability to work with custom races)

It seemed as though I was at least able to feed and obtain benefits from being a vampire.


I honestly think if I can reset the quest line for becoming a vampire now that I have this mod installed, I think I can avoid the glitch. At this time I'm unable to find the correct command to reset the quest line. I tried the quest commands here: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_%28Skyrim%29

But was getting errors stating I wasn't issuing all of the parameters request.

Edited by d0cipx
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