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How to add a perk to the player character?


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Hi, I'm making a spell, and I need to add a perk to be able to use the spell. (Like adding a perk that allows the player to have multiple summons) I can make the spell and perk fine in the creation kit, but the problem is adding the spell to the character.


I don't want to add it to a perk tree, I just want to make it so if the player has the spell, they automatically get the perk associated with that spell. As of right now, the only way I can do it is if I add in the spell manually using the console in game, and while that's fine for me, I think that will be a major annoyance for anyone who uses my mod. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

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No no, the perk isn't part of the spell itself, but the perk is needed in order for the spell to properly function. An example is when your using a spell that raises all undead in the vicinity, and usually you can only raise one or two, however it is possible to create a perk (which I have), that makes it so you can summon more. And you can make it so that perk only applies to that spell.


Now, how do I auctualy get the player to have that perk?

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Ry selecting "player" from the object window in the actor category, go to spells tab (or wherever the perks are), and add the perk like you would for an npc. Problem with that is if another mod adds a perk in the same way, it'll override yours. You could make a new spell with a scripted magic effect that when the new spell is cast, the script executed the addperk function and on effect end, removes the dummy spell from the spellbook. Or, you could do what I do since I can't script which is add the perk to an enchantment that only works when the item is equipped. "Amulet of the lich king" or some isht.


Hope I helped and I hope to see the mod uploaded, sounds awesome

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Ry selecting "player" from the object window in the actor category, go to spells tab (or wherever the perks are), and add the perk like you would for an npc. Problem with that is if another mod adds a perk in the same way, it'll override yours. You could make a new spell with a scripted magic effect that when the new spell is cast, the script executed the addperk function and on effect end, removes the dummy spell from the spellbook. Or, you could do what I do since I can't script which is add the perk to an enchantment that only works when the item is equipped. "Amulet of the lich king" or some isht.


Hope I helped and I hope to see the mod uploaded, sounds awesome


The last suggestion is interesting, since I cannot script (yet hopefully) either. I decided in the end to just simply add it to a perk tree.

But thanks for the help!

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Adding the perk to a tree is always an option, personally I don't mess with perk trees because so many other mods do, which will likely conflict with yours, and when most of those add/alter several perks vs your one perk for one spell, the choice for most players using these type of mods is usually going to be the other mod in lieu of yours. This is, of course, only my preference and my opinion.


Ill still DL and use the player.addperk function reguardless, so I look forward to it

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I've already uploaded the mod if you want to check, it alter's the Vampire Lord perk tree. Thing is, I tested it with another mod that changes perks on the Vampire Lord perk tree, and my mod works fine with it. Now if a mod adds new perks to the tree (like mine does), then it probably wouldn't work.
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