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[LE] Totally stumped! Minimal change causing problem...


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All I want to do is modify the Orc and Nord races so that their powers are switched, giving the Nord Berserker Rage and the Orc the War Cry(yes, I know, not lore-friendly). I created a plugin to this end but when installed, a very unexpected side-effect occurs. When mounted on a horse, swinging melee attacks have no effect whatsoever. I swing but no damage registers in the target, not even a sound or blood splatter, or reaction from the NPC. It is definitely this plugin as there is nothing else mod-wise currently installed. Deactivating the plugin takes the problem away.


This is what I did in the CK:


1. Found the corresponding powers under 'spells'

2. Duplicated and renamed them(new forms)

3. Went to 'races' and found the Nord and Orc races

4. Deleted their default powers and reassigned them with the ones I had just created

5. Saved


I have no idea how this minimal adjustment could be affecting mounted combat. Could someone please tell me what I have overlooked, or perhaps what I have done that is wrong? Thanks.


EDIT: Never mind, found the solution. Here is the link if anyone else is interested.



Edited by amokrun1
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