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wisp FX


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i created a ring with the wisp fx via the console using


playerEnchantObject 0001CF2B 000F1183 0007A0FD


and when i put on the ring it worked fine i had the glow effect around me like the wisp mother does

but when i remove the ring i still have the wisp fx on my character

is there a way to turn off the wisp fx it gets annoying when trying to sneak around an all i see is a bunch of fog.


the wisp fx on the enchant list of id's also says "AbWispShadeScriptAttach' do i have to end this script somehow?


thanks for any help in advance

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I have the same issue man! I even saw this kid posted all these cool aura effects you can add to items to look sick and he warns that you shouldn't do the wisp FX one because it might stay! if only we had known... I have tried contacting bethesda and about 3 other forums to try and get this fixed. so far nothing. SO AWFUL.


I feel your pain.

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