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Preferred combat strategies


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I know there are a thousand different ways to play this game. So far I've played as an Agent with Thief birthsign, but also worked up my mage skills, and more recently I created a Mage with Mage birthsign.


On this second character, being unarmoured and low leveled, I'm very vulnerable, and the spells don't do nearly enough damage, nor do I have enough magicka to dish it out for long, so my main strategy is to use alchemy to brew lots of poisons that either damage health or cause fire or shock damage. While these poisons are very slow-acting (usually around 30 seconds), the damage they deal over that time is very significant, so I tend to shoot an enemy with a poisoned weapon, then either use Shadow Shape to hide while the poison takes effect, or Debilitate to paralyse them for the same purpose. (Shadow Shape for sure if there are multiple enemies around.)


So what are some other preferred strategies?

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i have a very simple way of fighting :D


i just run at the enermies and send them flying with my gaint Scythe. or i stand off a bit then fill them with arrows.


i have high strength, agility and speed, i don't bother with others, so i try not to get hit so i gotta be quick

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Was actually more interested in strategies that work without the use of mods. I have Midas, but don't actually need it for this strategy to work, though Flipendeux works very well as an alternative to Debilitate.
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Playing unmodded as a mage I think pets were helpful in early stages.


Don't underestimate the scamp.


yeah i dont play unmodded anymore its very Flux and own really even without pots hehe



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I'm a huge fan of Illusion magic. If you can stay ahead of the curve with Command and Frenzy they're hugely helpful, a Paralysis spell is effective forever, and Invisibility lets you reposition while your Commanded/Summoned minions distract the target. It comes more in handy if you have an alternative way of dealing damage than Destruction, though.
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I just started a new character - and for the first time I'm using magic heavily. Didn't really have a choice - with the way I have my game modded and adjusted, I am going to be physically deficient relative to the rest of the world for the next several levels at least. Its definitely a different game using magic (I started with Ob, never learned the Mw reliance on magic).


Before though, I tended to develop a high sneak and archery skill and go around sniping off enemies. Or just ignoring them all together at times.

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I always just rush in there on the offensive and keep hammering at them.

I dont give them a chance to counter attack and if they do I block it.

Also preferably I lead them against a wall/cliff/fire.


When faced with multiple enemys I draw them out put obstructions between me and them and lead them on a merry little chase all the while attacing the closest one.

If in a cave I hide around corners and power attack them as they come into view.

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