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req: easy way to add armor sets to enemies


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There are all theses fantastic armors around but almost all of them are only available to the PC or folllowers. Is there anyway that they could all be packaged togeter so that random enemies like bandits would wear them? I think there was something done for Fallout 3 that did this.
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In the CK, there is an outfit named FarmClothesRandom. So an npc with this outfit when spawned will have a random set of farm clothes. You can make a new outfit called YourModArmorRandom or something, and add the armor sets you want to be possible. You would then have to open up each of the actors that you would like to have these armors and change their outfits to the new one. It's pretty easy to do, it just takes a long time.


So to answer your question, yes it's possible.


Problem is, from a mod request perspective, is that everyone uses different armors from different mods together, so if you were to make this, you wouldn't be able to put it on the nexus without permission from the authors. Even if you do this with just one mod, you need permission. The authors aren't likely to do this themselves either, because if they enjoy working with 3d software and creating new meshes and textures, they probably would not enjoy altering lists.


Best thing you can do is combine your armor mods into one with wrye bash and then follow the instructions above. It's a good project to learn the CK, and it'll definitely enhance your gameplay for a personal use mod.

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