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to mod or not to mod


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What do they do mate? are they easy to work?


BOSS, or "Better Oblivion Sorting Software" automaticly sorts the mods for you and rearranges them in the most correct order possible.

Wrye Bash is a more sophisticated mod manager, which can also build a so called "Bashed patch" which aims to increase compatibility between mods by merging their leveled lists into a single leveled list without the conflicts of the original lists.

For me, Wrye bash also warns me when it cant recognise a mod due to a corrupt file or similar.


Boss is a piece of cake to use. Just start the program and it'll start sorting and rearranging. that's all you need to do.

Wrye bash is a little more complex if you aim to use all its functions. But creating a bashed patch and sorting mods is just a few clicks away =)

Edited by Urwy
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