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Fort Dawnguard


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I started Dawnguard yesterday and found Fort Dawnguard on the Map. But when Sorine sent to me to go find Enhanced X-bow Schematic, Fort Dawnguard isn't showing on the map anymore. The Forge at BBLS (BathingBeautiesLuxury Suite) didn't show the schematic for any crossbows but the Forge inside Fort Dawnguard did. But now I can't get back to the Fort cuz it isn't showing on the map. Was that suppose to happen---ie.-- u can't return unless u have a quest to turn in or something??
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I started Dawnguard yesterday and found Fort Dawnguard on the Map. But when *SPOILER*, Fort Dawnguard isn't showing on the map anymore. SPOILER.......... But now I can't get back to the Fort cuz it isn't showing on the map. Was that suppose to happen---ie.-- u can't return unless u have a quest to turn in or something??


Please don't post any spoiler content except within spoiler tags, or post it in the spoilers section. Especially for such a new DLC. Not a HUGE deal in this case, but now I know something I'd rather just have just discovered.


Anyways, just because the map marker isn't there, surely the fort still physically is? I've read that markers are a bit buggy in DG, and ran into a weird one myself when I first started playing. Plus, I'm on a side quest atm and one of my map markers has also disappeared. I went back to an earlier save that had the marker, just to check where I was supposed to go, and am banking on the place being there when I do despite the marker disappearing.


Maybe I'm not understanding the point of your post though, maybe what you're concerned about is not being able to fast travel to the fort? Yeah, probably not an option. But hey, more time to enjoy the pretty scenery no?

Edited by kevkiev
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Spoiler?? hmmm...i c spoilers as fore-tellers of quest outcomes and such. Saw this more as bug possibility. Sorry about that...my apologies. I'll head that way and c if all is well.


It's not a huge spoiler, granted, but after I read your post I knew that what's her face was going to give me a quest to get a crossbow schematic. Not a big deal, but some people would rather discover even little things like that by themselves (me, for example).


My Fort Dawnguard map marker has disappeared too. I'm guessing it's intentional, maybe to be consistent with the head-vampire hunter guy's concern over security after the initial vampire attack. Or even so you can't avoid the odd vampire scout attack after the entering that valley, since I believe the fort cell is behind the (eventually constructed) gate. (Not that I know squat about the placement of fast travel markers.) Or maybe, yeah who knows, maybe it is a bug. At least it's a relatively short journey from Riften.

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you have to follow a map marker to a cave entrance from riften, the cave takes you to the dawnguard fort



Thnx--I was just too far away to c the marker at first. As I headed to where I thought the Fort was--I saw it.

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