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Small Tutorial: How To fix bolts quiver position


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I create this post because I want to share to skeleton.nif modders like DSpSoB, ATTT, etc

I'm new to modding world, I don't mean to teach, just try share how my skeleton.nif is working :)

I create my own skeleton.nif mod too, Well Placed Bolt Quiver

You can use my files, but don't forget to add credits

sorry if this tutorial is not clear, I'm try to give the best explanation

sorry for my english :D




-When Trying to Fix Bolt Quiver Position-

I don't like how Bethesda create position for bolt quiver. I wonder why the quiver is too sway, and too far from character's body. I'm try to open every skeleton.nif (beast too) to search where is the exact position of bolt quiver. And then I found it.

NiNode of QUIVER


I try edit the NiNode, I'm successfully make bolt quiver more closer to character.


I upload that files, but some people have a problem, arrow quiver position damaged. I realised, if the NiNode named QUIVER is for arrow quiver too. (sorry I forgot the create printscreen of my messed skeleton.nif)


So, I have an idea, how about make a stand alone NiNode for bolt quiver. I'm try to open bolt.nif and dwarvenbolt.nif, opened everything at that .nif one by one, and I found how the bolt.nif and dwarvenbolt.nif is attached to QUIVER, so I edit the String at NiStringExtraData.

-String at NiStringExtraData of bolt.nif and dwarvenbolt.nif-



I edit the skeleton.nif too

-Name of the new NiNode-



-And then I start the game to checking the result-





Now I can enjoyed my Skyrim because I succeeded to fix that buggy quiver.

Maybe we need equate a way to make bolts mod, to make the bolts position is better and compatible for every skeleton.nif mods :)

Edited by Guest
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