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Dismemberment and segments in Outfit Studio


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Has anyone been able to reliably get dismemberment to work on custom outfits?


Ive gotten as far as getting dismemberment to at least work in the first place, but it seems to be dependent on the CBBE body being present in at least some capacity

If I zap too much of the body and the relevant segments of the body are gone, then dismemberment no longer works


I cant seem to find any solution to this



For reference, the steps I take are to paint the segments as needed in Outfit Studio, then set up the .ssf file which seems to be required and reference it in Outfit Studio

As mentioned, this has worked apart from the fact that zapping too much of the body will stop dismemberment

Like zapping the body from the waist down will allow dismemberment of the arms, but not the legs


Ive figured it out, shortly after posting this even

Out of the blue it struck me that cut offset data was probably not defined for custom outfits, and sure enough this was the case

Manually setting the correct offset data in NifSkope fixed everything, works like a charm now


If anyone has any questions, please shoot me a message, I wont be reading this topic anymore

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Hi Genamine


could you give an explanation on who you to the whole segmenting stuff and what it is you figured out? apparently the segments have to do with the sleeve removal with the pipboy to, right?


maybe some screenshots or links to read up on this stuff?





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