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Vortex can't run on this PC.


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I've been using Vortex the last few months without any issues. The last time it worked was yesterday.

Today I can't launch Vortex, I get an error message "This app can'r run on your PC". The icon on my start meu has also changed to a blank one which looks like a piece of paper.

I received an in-app notification that a new update was available, but due to reasons of time I ignored the update.

How do I troubleshoot and rectify? If I uninstall and reinstall, what about my mods for existing games? Would they still work properly?


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If it were me - I would download the latest version of Vortex and install it. Let the installer worry about the damaged installation.

I you uninstall first, you may lose needed configuration data.

No guarantees, but I would not expect you to lose mods doing it this way.

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Thank you. Strangely enough, when I ran the normal install version of Vortex the program started running. My plugins are reported as disabled, but as my game (New Vegas) seems to be working properly I think it's just that the program hasn't scanned my installed mods yet.

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