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Mod Developers Not Accepting Donations


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I have personally sent donations to at least five different mod developers, but only one has accepted the donation. I receive a notice when a mod developer accepts a donation. What is the point of donations if the majority of mod developers don't know they received one? I don't see one. It is frustrating to me to spend money for a purpose, and that purpose is not fulfilled. I am sure that there are some developers that appreciate the donation. But with 4 out of 5 not accepting the donation I find it pointless to make them. I have given them over a week before posting this. Check your email!

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Mod authors set their mods to "accept" or "not accept" donations when they upload them. They can change that setting at any time, but they are under no obligation to do so, or even to check things. As someone who has benefited from their work, your willingness to reward them is appreciated. But that doesn't create a necessity for action on their part.


As a mod author who has opted-OUT of donations completely, I don't see the problem... :huh:

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