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Help with creating custom race!


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I've been wanting to play as a Snow Elf back when we first realized they existed when Bloodmoon came out. I was ecstatic to see that pure, official snow-elves had appeared in Dawnguard. After buying it, I decided not to wait for an official release and decided to make the race playable myself. I set up the creation kit and have so far set everything to my specifications except for one frustrating detail: The Armor Race. If I set it to none, the only armor I'm allowed to wear would be the armor set default to the SnowElfRace (Which is the race file I am currently editing) and I haven't found an auto-fill ArmorAddon: Additional races feature yet which would set all player worn armor pieces to also be worn by the SnowElfRace which would fix my problem in it's own right because I wouldn't need an Armor Race (I realize I can do it manually but it'll take up time I don't have and I wouldn't be sure what the appropriate versions of armor pieces I should enable). If I set the Armor Race to HighElfRace which is what the copy data is already set to (default by Bethesda), I'm able to wear all the armor a High Elf can but it changes the SnowElfRace body skin to that of a high elf; Meaning I have the head textures of a Snow Elf and the body textures of a High Elf. I tried viewing other player-made custom races in the kit and found everything to be exactly the same, even the Armor Race set to HighElfRace, the only problem is that whenever I select that race in-game, the head and body textures are that of whatever custom race the creator of the mod wanted it to be. Is there anyway I can fix this?
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