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Glowing Tattoos and Different Colored Destruction Spells for Magic Use


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I always liked the idea of my character learning so much about the arcane arts that it begins to physically show and one of the only RPGs that did this was Fable. In Fable, once you started to gain more and more knowledge about magic, glowing runes and tattoos started to appear on your body, so I was wondering if someone could do something similar on Skyrim with a variety of different colors.


I also had the idea for different colored Destruction spells for magic users that can be used to signify moral alignment. Like evil or necromancer types could use blue and black or purple and black colored flames that would do the same damage as the normal fireball spell, only it would be unique to them. There could also be white fire spells for good characters, crimson lightening or bright white or blue lightening. Black ice spell and what-not. I am pretty sure you get it by now.

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