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A mod to combine two legendary weapons of the same type


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I would love to see an insane immersive way to merge two legendary weapons, also allowing for multiple stacking of effects. No duplicate effects however. To give high level players something to grind and try to accomplish.

Some sort of challenge, cost, or ritual to do it would be interesting.

I would maybe be willing to pay for such a mod honestly.

the combining would obviously apply both legendary effects to a single weapon of that type. Scrapping the original guns and returning mods on those weapons I guess.

or not if that makes it easier.




If anyone is interested in making such a mod, please email me at

[email protected]


[email protected]


Thank you for your time

Edited by ByteSizeMetal
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If you do a search for "Legendary Modification", you'll see the ones that have already been made. Yes, there are problems with them. But until they are either updated, or someone makes a new one, those might do something similar that you are looking for. (Making a mod that does EXACTLY what you describe is impossible.)

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