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Player Character into an NPC?


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Guys I solved it....thnx for all your help and suggestions. Here's how to export the face.


1.Type in "SPF 1" in the console command. The "1" after SPF is optional. You dont have to put it. For example, if you put "SPF blahblah" The file will be called blahblah.NPC


Doing this will create a .NPC file in the skyrim directory named "blahblah" (not IN DATA Folder)


1. Go into skyrim

2.Type in SPF (whatever you want the file to be named)

3.Go into your skyrim directory and find the .NPC file

4.Go into creation kit and if you want to edit or create and npc, there should be a tab called character Gen Parts

5.Right under the tab,it says import. Now click your .NPC file, and it should be your face thats in the Npc.

6.Put the NPC in the game, and save the plugin.


This is the best Tutorial for Creating a npc :

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