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Once working mod is now broken

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I've created mods that add new shouts to the game with alternate audio that are added to the player by using the regular shout. The mod was working perfectly fine then at an unknown point of time with an unknown patch it stopped working. The mod in question is this one and since I think that the script might be at fault I'll post that, all 18 simple lines of it.


The script is attached to the player and checks what spell was cast and if it matches the desired one and if they don't have the perk to indicate that they have the shout then it will add the shout and the perk.


Scriptname MarkedForSquee extends Actor

spell property VoiceMarkedforDeath1 auto
shout property MarkedForSquee1 auto
perk property MarkedForSqueePerk auto

Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
Spell MarkedForDeath1 = VoiceMarkedforDeath1 as spell
Spell spellCast = akSpell as spell
Shout SqueeShout = MarkedForSquee1 as shout
perk Squee = MarkedForSqueePerk as perk
if spellCast && spellCast == MarkedForDeath1
	if (Game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(Squee))==False

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