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Quick question


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I have 3 main mods: SkyRe, Immersive armors, and Jaysus Swords. I've been playing fine for over a week. Got the Glass smithing perk and started to look through them, Then CRASH to desktop. Tried going to different forges and CTD. Seems to happen whenever i scroll past Glass Longsword and Glass Scimitar. Anyone have any similiar probs? Anyone know of a fix? Am i doing something wrong (which will prolly be the true)? First time ever posting on these forums and First time using these mods. I honestly couldnt live without them. SkyRe is compatible with both of those mods.
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Jaysus swords or Weapons of the 3rd era?


reason why i ask is that weapons of the 3rd era use to have a ctd bug concerning one of glass swords... though it was fixed sometime back ago through updates. now if it is jaysus swords, I'm unfamiliar with that mod and I'm unaware that the mod author actually put more glass weapons


here is the latest version to Weapons of the 3rd era http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12892

assuming this is the one you got but an older version of it

Edited by Abaddon00
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